the official blog of InI MLD & the Allstars band. Stay linked up and tuned in with the crew.Take a peek into the minds and lives of this revolutionary music group. Read and enjoy and share.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
InI mld Allstars rehearsal 11/23/11 at Rockland community college secret lair
InI mld Allstars rehearsal 11/23/11 at Rockland community college secret lair
Friday, December 2, 2011
This Saturday
Yes yes my people
it's on again this Saturday December 3rd InI Mighty Lockdown & the Allstars bring the fire to Casa del Sol in Nyack, NY. This is a great venue with good people and energy and it's like our second home. Come get down with your MLD brothers we got some new tunes for y'all and with so much going on around us these days you should come free your mind and soul and recharge with the Allstars.
This Saturday December 3rd InI Mighty Lockdown & the Allstars @ Casa del sol 104 main street Nyack,NY Showtime 9:30 pm - 1 am No Cover ( whats better than that ) come out and bring ya peeps we gonna rock hard!!!
It's time to Occupy Yourself !!! Let's be the 100%
-InI MLD Allstars
Follow InI on twitter @inimld
Facebook InI @
Friday, June 24, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
the power of flash mobs
Down in their neighborhoods and their white kids are
Involved we'll see how the tune changes. They still feel they are absolved from all of this like it just happened on it's own this not only angers but really saddens me to think how stupid people still are!!!! They need to wake the f up!!!
The Power of Flash Mobs
You cannot police hopelessness and despair!!!
When will Violent Flash Mobs come to your city
or to Canada or the United Kingdom and what can be done to prevent them from forming?
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Violence in Chicago, Illinois
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Robbery in Washington, D.C.
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Robbery in Las Vegas, Nevada
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Activity in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Robbery in St. Paul, Minnesota
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Activity in Kansas City, Missouri
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Robbery in New York City, New York
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Violence in Venice Beach, California
by Phillip Jackson
There are those who are angered and surprised by the violence of urban "Flash Mobs" (quickly forming groups of young people using technology to organize), especially crowds of young Black men, descending on mostly White, affluent downtown American cities. However, if we analyze this phenomenon, it is not so surprising. In fact, it is highly predictable. While there is no justification for young Black men to rob and beat people of any race, the activities of flash mobs are easily predictable in the context of recent social history and current economic conditions.
Most of these young men are poor, desperate and hopeless. They come from broken families and broken communities. They have been failed by their schools and by social and faith organizations in their communities. They don't have jobs and many of them will never have jobs. They live at the bottom rung of society. The kind of havoc they wreak among us through "flash mobbing" is the kind of havoc they have lived with their entire young lives. For them, there is a perverse kind of justice and sense of fairness in their ability to create flash mobs that breathe terror into the hearts of other Americans.
Predictive factors for young Black males participating in the activities of violent flash mobs in Chicago are shown by recent data:
■This summer, 90% of young Black men in Chicago between 16 and 19 years old are unemployed.
■Only 44% of Black males graduate with a high school diploma from Chicago public schools.
■Only three out of 100 Black boys who start kindergarten in the Chicago Public Schools earn a bachelors degree by age 25.
■70% of Black children in America are born into and live in single, female-headed households that are usually impoverished.
■Black males are 6% of Illinois' population but they represent 60% of the state's prison population.
The power and strength of a flash mob are in its large number of congregants and in its ability to assemble quickly and to disband equally as fast. The word "flash" is an allusion to social media - texting, smart phones, Twitter and Facebook. Flash media, an effective tool for organizing a social cause, is the same media that brought down the government of Egypt. Now inner-city youth are using this same media, but instead of toppling governments, they "topple" Macy's, Neiman Marcus and Old Navy, and they steal IPads and IPhones from defenseless citizens.
The message from the flash mob to us is even more threatening than the mob itself. That message is, "You can't control us! You don't scare us! Your police don't scare us! Your prisons don't scare us! We are mightier than you! We will take what you have because you have given us few other options in life for earning similar things. And most importantly, we will take your peace of mind. Just as we in our communities cannot ever feel secure, now neither can you! We are more afraid of continuing to live our lives as they are than we are of you locking us up. What do we have to lose? For once, we are more powerful than you!"
Flash mobs are not new. In Black communities across America for the past 30 years, large groups of Black males have attacked others. In the past few years, jobless, desperate, hopeless youth have rioted in France, Greece, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Tunisia, and Egypt in efforts eerily similar to America's flash mobs, but on a much larger scale and with politically clear motives and demands. These youth have taken over business districts, cities and countries and they have destroyed billions of dollars in property while toppling governments. The same root causes for these youth riots and disturbances in Europe and Northern Africa are producing similar actions, and possibly similar politically conscious attitudes, in the youth of Chicago, New York City, Charlotte, Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia and other American cities.
Politicians and the police are working under the false and dangerous assumption that hopelessness and despair can be policed. The police are out-numbered and out-maneuvered in this battle of minds, spirits, bodies and technology. Even as thirty-three flash mobbers were arrested in Chicago this past week, the communities in Chicago were producing a thousand more potential flash mobbers to replace them. When Black boys are not reading at grade level by the third grade, we are creating conditions for a flash mob. When Black teenagers cannot find meaningful work, we are creating conditions for a flash mob. When young Black boys do not have suitable role models and mentors, we are creating conditions for a flash mob.
The best way to deter a violent flash mob is to stop it from forming. The best time to stop it from forming is when the potential congregants are 2 and 3 years old, not when they are 16, 20 and 30 years old. The best weapons against flash mobs are jobs, not police with guns; education, not incarceration; and positive guidance and direction, not threats or curses. Can flash mobs be stopped? Absolutely. Is America working properly to stop them? Absolutely not.
Welcome to the year 2011 where ethics, sociology, economics, criminology, politics and technology cross! The flash mobbers are trying to tell us, "You can't stop us, but with your help, we can stop ourselves!"
Phillip Jackson
Founder and Executive Director
The Black Star Project
3509 South King Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60653
773.285.9600 office
That is what I said. This is what others say about what I said....
Phillip Jackson says:
June 14, 2011 at 7:33 pm
I thank all who responded to my editorial, "The Power of Flash Mobs". It obviously has stimulated discussion on this issue and other issues that are important to America.
It seems that some people are taking portions of this editorial as a justification for unjustifiable behavior. No one has the right to do hurt other people whether it is Black on White or White on Black or Asian on Latino, or Latino on Native American.
If you read this article as a justification for violence or if you think this article supports wanton, random violence, that is something you brought to this article with you for which you must take responsibility.
This article is an explanation of why these "flash mob" behaviors are taking place. Explaining behavior is not supporting behavior. Rather than simply disagree with my explanation, most of the comments have taken to name-calling and threats of violence. That was not my intention. My intention was opening minds and solving problems. It seems as if I am on the wrong planet or at the very least in the wrong country for those kinds of positive, humanistic motives.
That being the case, there is very little difference between young Black boys who perform random acts of violence in downtown Chicago for social and economic reasons and, I believe, young and middle-aged White men who threaten specific acts of violence for philosophical and ideological reasons. They are both wrong. They should both be treated the same.
There are some racist people in America who have been waiting for reasons to "lynch or kill young Black men". And with the flash mobbing issue, they now have their reason. Now killing young Black men can be justified. These people, so quick to pull the trigger, are as dangerous to America or maybe are more dangerous to America than flash mobbers.
I have probably done more to stop young Black males from committing crimes then 1,000 of your angriest readers will ever be able to with their shotguns and machine guns (see comments above). Even with their threats and curses, I will continue my work.
I thank your readers for their responses. It helps me to see what I am up against. Now I see that I will have to work as hard to save them (your angry readers) from their hate and anger as I am working to save the young Black flash mobbers from theirs.
I don't know which is worse. Let me get back to work.
Phillip Jackson
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On Jun 20, 2011, at 10:15 AM, The Black Star Project
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Will this article generate a frank
discussion about the issues of young Black men
in America or will it set off a racial war?!!!
The Power of Flash Mobs
You cannot police hopelessness and despair!!!
When will Violent Flash Mobs come to your city
or to Canada or the United Kingdom and what can be done to prevent them from forming?
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Violence in Chicago, Illinois
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Robbery in Washington, D.C.
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Robbery in Las Vegas, Nevada
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Activity in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Robbery in St. Paul, Minnesota
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Activity in Kansas City, Missouri
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Robbery in New York City, New York
Click Here to see video on Flash Mob Violence in Venice Beach, California
by Phillip Jackson
There are those who are angered and surprised by the violence of urban "Flash Mobs" (quickly forming groups of young people using technology to organize), especially crowds of young Black men, descending on mostly White, affluent downtown American cities. However, if we analyze this phenomenon, it is not so surprising. In fact, it is highly predictable. While there is no justification for young Black men to rob and beat people of any race, the activities of flash mobs are easily predictable in the context of recent social history and current economic conditions.
Most of these young men are poor, desperate and hopeless. They come from broken families and broken communities. They have been failed by their schools and by social and faith organizations in their communities. They don't have jobs and many of them will never have jobs. They live at the bottom rung of society. The kind of havoc they wreak among us through "flash mobbing" is the kind of havoc they have lived with their entire young lives. For them, there is a perverse kind of justice and sense of fairness in their ability to create flash mobs that breathe terror into the hearts of other Americans.
Predictive factors for young Black males participating in the activities of violent flash mobs in Chicago are shown by recent data:
■This summer, 90% of young Black men in Chicago between 16 and 19 years old are unemployed.
■Only 44% of Black males graduate with a high school diploma from Chicago public schools.
■Only three out of 100 Black boys who start kindergarten in the Chicago Public Schools earn a bachelors degree by age 25.
■70% of Black children in America are born into and live in single, female-headed households that are usually impoverished.
■Black males are 6% of Illinois' population but they represent 60% of the state's prison population.
The power and strength of a flash mob are in its large number of congregants and in its ability to assemble quickly and to disband equally as fast. The word "flash" is an allusion to social media - texting, smart phones, Twitter and Facebook. Flash media, an effective tool for organizing a social cause, is the same media that brought down the government of Egypt. Now inner-city youth are using this same media, but instead of toppling governments, they "topple" Macy's, Neiman Marcus and Old Navy, and they steal IPads and IPhones from defenseless citizens.
The message from the flash mob to us is even more threatening than the mob itself. That message is, "You can't control us! You don't scare us! Your police don't scare us! Your prisons don't scare us! We are mightier than you! We will take what you have because you have given us few other options in life for earning similar things. And most importantly, we will take your peace of mind. Just as we in our communities cannot ever feel secure, now neither can you! We are more afraid of continuing to live our lives as they are than we are of you locking us up. What do we have to lose? For once, we are more powerful than you!"
Flash mobs are not new. In Black communities across America for the past 30 years, large groups of Black males have attacked others. In the past few years, jobless, desperate, hopeless youth have rioted in France, Greece, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Tunisia, and Egypt in efforts eerily similar to America's flash mobs, but on a much larger scale and with politically clear motives and demands. These youth have taken over business districts, cities and countries and they have destroyed billions of dollars in property while toppling governments. The same root causes for these youth riots and disturbances in Europe and Northern Africa are producing similar actions, and possibly similar politically conscious attitudes, in the youth of Chicago, New York City, Charlotte, Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia and other American cities.
Politicians and the police are working under the false and dangerous assumption that hopelessness and despair can be policed. The police are out-numbered and out-maneuvered in this battle of minds, spirits, bodies and technology. Even as thirty-three flash mobbers were arrested in Chicago this past week, the communities in Chicago were producing a thousand more potential flash mobbers to replace them. When Black boys are not reading at grade level by the third grade, we are creating conditions for a flash mob. When Black teenagers cannot find meaningful work, we are creating conditions for a flash mob. When young Black boys do not have suitable role models and mentors, we are creating conditions for a flash mob.
The best way to deter a violent flash mob is to stop it from forming. The best time to stop it from forming is when the potential congregants are 2 and 3 years old, not when they are 16, 20 and 30 years old. The best weapons against flash mobs are jobs, not police with guns; education, not incarceration; and positive guidance and direction, not threats or curses. Can flash mobs be stopped? Absolutely. Is America working properly to stop them? Absolutely not.
Welcome to the year 2011 where ethics, sociology, economics, criminology, politics and technology cross! The flash mobbers are trying to tell us, "You can't stop us, but with your help, we can stop ourselves!"
Phillip Jackson
Founder and Executive Director
The Black Star Project
3509 South King Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60653
773.285.9600 office
That is what I said. This is what others say about what I said....
Phillip Jackson says:
June 14, 2011 at 7:33 pm
I thank all who responded to my editorial, "The Power of Flash Mobs". It obviously has stimulated discussion on this issue and other issues that are important to America.
It seems that some people are taking portions of this editorial as a justification for unjustifiable behavior. No one has the right to do hurt other people whether it is Black on White or White on Black or Asian on Latino, or Latino on Native American.
If you read this article as a justification for violence or if you think this article supports wanton, random violence, that is something you brought to this article with you for which you must take responsibility.
This article is an explanation of why these "flash mob" behaviors are taking place. Explaining behavior is not supporting behavior. Rather than simply disagree with my explanation, most of the comments have taken to name-calling and threats of violence. That was not my intention. My intention was opening minds and solving problems. It seems as if I am on the wrong planet or at the very least in the wrong country for those kinds of positive, humanistic motives.
That being the case, there is very little difference between young Black boys who perform random acts of violence in downtown Chicago for social and economic reasons and, I believe, young and middle-aged White men who threaten specific acts of violence for philosophical and ideological reasons. They are both wrong. They should both be treated the same.
There are some racist people in America who have been waiting for reasons to "lynch or kill young Black men". And with the flash mobbing issue, they now have their reason. Now killing young Black men can be justified. These people, so quick to pull the trigger, are as dangerous to America or maybe are more dangerous to America than flash mobbers.
I have probably done more to stop young Black males from committing crimes then 1,000 of your angriest readers will ever be able to with their shotguns and machine guns (see comments above). Even with their threats and curses, I will continue my work.
I thank your readers for their responses. It helps me to see what I am up against. Now I see that I will have to work as hard to save them (your angry readers) from their hate and anger as I am working to save the young Black flash mobbers from theirs.
I don't know which is worse. Let me get back to work.
Phillip Jackson
Phillip Jackson says:
June 14, 2011 at 7:33 pm
I thank all who responded to my editorial, "The Power of Flash Mobs". It obviously has stimulated discussion on this issue and other issues that are important to America.
It seems that some people are taking portions of this editorial as a justification for unjustifiable behavior. No one has the right to do hurt other people whether it is Black on White or White on Black or Asian on Latino, or Latino on Native American.
If you read this article as a justification for violence or if you think this article supports wanton, random violence, that is something you brought to this article with you for which you must take responsibility.
This article is an explanation of why these "flash mob" behaviors are taking place. Explaining behavior is not supporting behavior. Rather than simply disagree with my explanation, most of the comments have taken to name-calling and threats of violence. That was not my intention. My intention was opening minds and solving problems. It seems as if I am on the wrong planet or at the very least in the wrong country for those kinds of positive, humanistic motives.
That being the case, there is very little difference between young Black boys who perform random acts of violence in downtown Chicago for social and economic reasons and, I believe, young and middle-aged White men who threaten specific acts of violence for philosophical and ideological reasons. They are both wrong. They should both be treated the same.
There are some racist people in America who have been waiting for reasons to "lynch or kill young Black men". And with the flash mobbing issue, they now have their reason to kill a young Black man. Now it is justified. They are as dangerous or maybe are more dangerous than the flash mobbers.
I have probably done more to stop young Black males from committing crimes then 1,000 of your angriest readers will ever be able to with their shotguns and machine guns (see comments above). Even with their threats and curses, I will continue my work.
I thank your readers for their responses. It helps me to see what I am up against. Now I see that I will have to work as hard to save them (your angry readers) from their hate and anger as I am working to save the young Black flash mobbers from theirs.
I don't know which is worse. Let me get back to work.
Phillip Jackson
Apaul says:
June 15, 2011 at 9:45 am
thank you for this piece. sorry most commenters have missed your point, but I and others greatly appreciate you laying out the contextual situation around this issue and not providing the knee-jerk reactions given by almost everyone else in the media.
Dan says:
June 15, 2011 at 7:09 am
I find it funny that the author commented below and said "I thank your readers for their responses. It helps me to see what I am up against. Now I see that I will have to work as hard to save them (your angry readers) from their hate and anger as I am working to save the young Black flash mobbers from theirs. I don't know which is worse. Let me get back to work." About 90% of the comments on this board disagree with the article and the author. We don't need your help Phil. It looks like you might be the one who needs help. If 90% of the population disagrees with you, YOU are the one with the problem.
Margo Rose says:
June 15, 2011 at 1:26 am
I am so surprised and saddened by some of the unproductive and aggressive comments being made here. Wow. Can't we use the opportunity to discuss important topics like these to improve the quality of life we all share?
Joer says:
June 14, 2011 at 11:30 pm
Blacks have trampled over whites for years now due to media stereotypes of us being afraid if our own shadow. What these savages fail to realize however it's that the man who is in the right will always wins the war. These youth have caught everyone unawares with a creative scheme but this technology it's young and will evolve for the god of the people - not a collection of ingrates. My mother was an immigrant to this country with nothing and my father was severely handicapped in his prime. Neither of them ever asked for handouts or robbed anyone, and not do I as I learned from them the value of hard work and frugality. That said, try taking the livelihood of an entire race and see if it stacks up to the problem solving and innovation that have eluded the majority of the afro american population since they were brought here. I love blacks but i'll delight in crushing an onrushing roach of any shade.
Buzz Kilowatt says:
June 14, 2011 at 10:46 pm
The black community will never improve its lot in life by blaming others for their own failures. This article is rife with blame: schools have failed us; there are no jobs for us; we come from single parent poor homes, and on and on. Who forced you to marry out of wedlock? Who failed to instill the values of hard work, education, personal responsibility & integrity? Who didn't show up for PTA conferences? Who didn't insist that their children learn to read? Who didn't discipline their children for playing hooky, petty crimes, poor conduct, and so forth? Why should there be jobs for people who lack education, motivation, a professional appearance, & experience? Who owes this to you . . . when you won't meet anyone half way? Flash mobs. High crime rates. Failure to thrive. You have brought it upon yourselves, and the taxpayers who have "supported" this nonsense are fed up. Grow up. Man up. And start taking responsibility for your own actions!
Susan says:
June 14, 2011 at 6:58 pm
I certainly hope no one is suggesting more welfare-give-away programs as a means to solve these problems. While there are many 'white' Americans who can be added to this list, we do agree this is predominately a 'black' problem, unfortunately. The liberal give-away programs is what created this monster........I dare say, I do not see any solutions to this problem at this time due to the fact our gov't wants to continue and increase these demeaning entitlement programs. We have only to look at what happened in New Orleans with Katrina. This was predominately a 'black' problem; the root of most of the violence and outcry. Have we seen a display of such in the recent floods, tornadoes, fires, etc? No, we have not. We all know why. This is merely a sign of the times; yes, a trite statement but a never more truer statement. Folks, we are reaping what we have sewn and there is more to come. I don't like this, I am not a racist but I can look at the over-all facts..........this is a problem that is not going to go away. Next our gov't will call for martial law to curb the disruptions in this otherwise peaceful country. HA!
Robert Kelso says:
June 14, 2011 at 6:51 pm
I am not a racist. I AM, however a realist. This is street punk, criminal, thug behavior, plain and simple. It will result in an increase violence on both sides of the aisle. Our country is currently in a severe economic downturn. There are plenty of people of all races and walks of life that are out of work, and under serious financial stress. Please note: THEY'RE NOT CREATING FLASH MOBS, only BLACK PEOPLE are. Knock this thug activity off before more people get hurt. Being out of work is NOT an excuse to rob and riot.
Staff says:
June 14, 2011 at 6:05 pm
Lets keep is clean here, as one is able to voice thy opinion... Other then that all racist comments shall be deleted...
nigbone says:
June 14, 2011 at 5:54 pm
I don't think the black youths involved in these flash mobs are making any kind of social injustice statement; they have merely found a way to function according to their base instincts without fear of retaliation. the breakdown of civilization occurs when we excuse or justify anti-social behavior of any group. there are behavioral norms and mores that our civilized society must maintain and the violence of these youths must be met by force. reason and compassion have no place in this discussion and i am appalled at the conclusions drawn by the author. would it be okay for groups of whites to begin rampaging thru black areas robbing? it wasn't right years ago and it still isn't right today.
PCT says:
June 14, 2011 at 5:21 pm
Just be glad I'm not in office, and trust me, any flashmobs of negroids, will be dealt with by the National Guard to put down the problem. Negroes are in fact, a problematic and invasive specie that should have been returned to the point of origin, had Abe Lincoln lived through his second term, as it should. That same subspecie, has to many negative aspects and points to even be considered part of any normal human society.
Tremley says:
June 14, 2011 at 3:33 pm
Who else is getting sick of these spooks mugging,carjacking,shooting,raping, ect... to us whites!
and all they say is "gibs meh dat" Dat beez raysiss". We tried to civilize them, buts it's not working!The USA would be 5oo years advanced in thechnology if 40% of our tax money didn't go to 13% of the population!
Olen says:
June 14, 2011 at 1:14 pm
I am a middle class white male. These comments are, with few exception, coming from places of ignorance and unexamined privilege, even that of the immigrant, whose experience cannot be compared to the specific history of the descendants of African-American enslavement. Yes, the legacy of slavery, even today, is a contributing factor. Its historical residue remains. This article is not a defense of ANY behavior. It's simply seeking to enlighten oblivious people to the larger picture and historical and social circumstances that have led to - as frequently reiterated - the CONDITIONS that have produced this phenomenon. What are the social and historical circumstances that have led to your ignorance?
June 14, 2011 at 12:56 pm
You guys really need to switch to decaf......Everyone hates a know it all, but you know what know it all's hate.....fake ones. I'll be damned if my town turns into a replay of "Black Hawk Down".
This will never happen, also your photo looks like Sierra Leone or Somalia. It really does nothing to help your cause. No reason on earth will justify letting my town turn into a third world garbage heap. I dont care about the reasons you have. Ask a WW2 veteran his opinion.... He fought for this???? He'll laugh you out of the room and say "YOURE NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH THEN." or worse. The ten percent of hard working blacks are getting dragged down by the other ninety percent. ARGUE ALL YOU LIKE.
Enjoy your Frankenstein says:
June 14, 2011 at 11:47 am
To the writer of this article....You are truly a pinhead.... Quit your job, don't pour gas on this. Is there a flash mob at a library? Nope, a very high number can't read, most have less than a IQ of 85 (basically dependent retards). They are complete social cripples, and have zero skills. No initiative to learn or function in any societal capacity. They are delusional thinking you can spin this into a positive. Your just going to get a public outcry that will bring a scorched earth policy on blacks. Basically condoning this and asking that the public throws the baby out with the bath water. Black power equals beating and victimizing grandmothers? The public will smash this with a sledgehammer. Zero sympathy. This will not end well, with moronic articles like this. If I was your supervisor, I'd fire you for writing this. This is indirectly going to stuff more blacks in prison, increase heartbroken mothers, and a cruel response from the working public. Enjoy
Alabama Patriot says:
June 14, 2011 at 10:43 am
Civilized America is approaching saturation with this type of nonsense. There will be armed revolt in the streets, because if we wanted to coddle up to barbarians, we'd have more Moooozlems. Oh, that's right; we do! Kill 'em all!
Dan says:
June 14, 2011 at 8:39 am
You sound like you are defending these criminals. There are poor people of all races, and you only see blacks doing these Thug Mobs. They stole an IPOD from a guy on the red line, and the guy had cerebal palsy and tourettes syndrome. They stole from a 68 year old Doctor who was sitting on a park bench. Furthermore, some of the kids caught have 60 dollar Hollister and Ambercrombie shirts on. I couldn't ever wear those as a kid, because my folks couldn't afford them.... The solution is beat the crap out of these kids, arrest them, and keep them in jail for as long as possible, because when they get out, they aren't going to amount to anything.
Margo Rose says:
June 14, 2011 at 2:33 am
What if we encourage concerned and inspired citizens to create the fun, beneficial types of "flash mobs"? It is about the community-loving people maintaining control of the streets and showing OUR power. A "counter-trend". Maybe "Trash Mobs" who convene to clean up public areas?
How about "Laugh Mobs" coming together to tell jokes? Can any of your readers think of other examples we can try?
fu says:
June 13, 2011 at 9:31 pm
Line them up and kill them in the streets with machine guns. Then this shit will stop.
Robert says:
June 13, 2011 at 7:32 pm
And this is exactly why whites are arming themselves to the max. Riot shotguns are meant exactly for this attitude! Lock and load America! We are free because we fight to remain free, from oppression of any nature.
Jamal says:
June 13, 2011 at 5:22 pm
First off, let me just mention that I am a young (mid-twenties) black professional living in the Gold Coast area which has been so heavily targeted by these flash mobs. Every time I walk outside I am constantly on the lookout for groups of teenagers, partly out of fear of being attacked, and partly out of the desire to be prepared, whether to run away or fight back if need be. I feel threatened not just by my own people but by all groups of teenagers. For me this is not a race issue, as I have not taken comfort in knowing that up to this point only white people have been victim to these crimes... soon enough there will be cases of it happening to blacks, whether by other blacks or some other ethnic group. I concur that the best way to deter a violent flash mob is to stop it from forming, but we cannot go back into the past and correct the upbringing of those who are committing these acts today, so how do we deter them NOW? How can you provide a sense of security to a community that is unused to such violence occurring in their neighborhood? While the increased policing of high potential crime areas does not produce a lasting effect, it does provide an immediate sense of security to everyone while other methods of prevention can be enacted. Those of us that live, frequent, or even plan to visit these areas need solutions for right now, not 15 years down the line. In my opinion the problem is with the community. We as Americans, and more specifically blacks, are glamorizing the lives of characters and individuals who are rebellious, against the law (not out of the need or desire to correct the injustices of society, but just because they want to be), and just plain 'bad-ass'. Thanks to movies like Scarface, a well educated individual (for example, myself) fantasizes about being a drug kingpin. Along with the glamorization of what should be unsavory people in society, our focus on the education of our youth is severely lacking. Even if parents lack formal education themselves they can still support their kids but encouraging and promoting learning. There are parents out there that live in the ghetto with barely a middle school education themselves that have kids who are intelligent, eager, willing and more than ready to learn. While your economic status does correlate to your level of education I believe that the foundation created by parents or people in the community for learning is an better indicator for success. Parents need to want their kids to do better in life then they have. A community that teaches, strongly emphasizes, and celebrates the value of education is one that will produce successful individuals that will go on to do great things for society. Such a community will not produce teenagers that commit such acts flash mobbing. The future of America (black, white, hispanic, whatever) truely does rest with the youth, when will we realize that?
Frank says:
June 13, 2011 at 5:10 pm
Oldpuppymax said:
"Rather than whine about the lack of jobs or fathers, start voting for conservatives who create employment rather then liberals who create welfare and dependence." Oldpuppy is an old fart! Typical redneck conservative nosie. The fact remains that there is still racial discrimination at every level in America. Tell that crap to the many black americans who have advanced college degrees and are excluded from opportunites all the time, and if they want to open a business the banks slam the door shut in their face no matter how good their credit is. Voting for conservative would have made a bad situation worse!!!
henry belk says:
June 13, 2011 at 4:57 pm
Look into the difference between "excuse/justification/rationalization" vs "reasoning"...then re-write the article so your flash mob buddies don't continue crowding cook county jails.
David Zuma says:
June 13, 2011 at 3:59 pm
I emigrated to this country. I have been harassed due and had to put up with ignorance and prejudicial treatment in and out of the work place. The economy has hit my family hard too. We are scrapping by below the poverty line but you don't see me acting out. No I am trying to do something positive, with my time. This is hooliganism. And your defense of it seems disingenuous.
Oldpuppymax says:
June 13, 2011 at 3:54 pm
Well it's certainly heartening to know there are no poor white children, none who do not finish school and none from broken homes. As one seems to never hear of white flash mobs, that seems the only conclusion which can be drawn. The trillions taken from taxpayers over the past 60 years or so and given to blacks for everything from welfare to food stamps to free housing have apparently not been sufficient. If only the left had managed to steal MORE trillions, things would no doubt be just fine. When will those who make up the "staff" which wrote this article understand that the Democrats you so fervently support have worked very hard to make CERTAIN blacks remain poor, ignorant and dependent upon Big Brother. Only them will they remain dependable Democrat other words, "acceptable" blacks. Rather than whine about the lack of jobs or fathers, start voting for conservatives who create employment rather then liberals who create welfare and dependence.
June 16, 2011 at 6:03 pm
Your recent article regarding Flash mobs was pretty awesome, well written, powerful, provoking etc. I'm a white guy, stable family, not rich but upper middle class. I witnessed a flash mob / beating yesterday in broad daylight. A bunch of young black boys and girls ruthlessly beat an elderly man to the point of unconsciousness - the subsequent research of "why" led me to your blog. I found this is a growing problem in Philly. During the civil war, when the draft was instituted there was a clause that allowed people to buy their way out for $300. This meant only poor people went to war, black, white, Irish, Italian - didn't matter, just poor. Since death was the likely result they rioted significantly, murdering the wealthy in droves. If the class separation becomes too great, the poor will rise up and eat the rich. Still, it kinda sucks watching an old man get beaten to the brink of death by teenage girls.
Click Here to see orginal article in Thy Black Man.Com.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
the old generation didn't go green
This just in; good food for thought:
In the line at the store, the cashier told the older woman that she should
bring her own grocery bag because plastic bags weren't good for the
environment. The woman apologized to him and explained, "We didn't have the
green thing back in my day."
The clerk responded, "That's our problem today. The former generation did
not care enough to save our environment."
He was right, that generation didn't have the green thing in its day.
Back then, they returned their milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles
to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and
sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So
they really were recycled.
But they didn't have the green thing back in that customer's day.
In her day, they walked up stairs, because they didn't have an escalator
in every store and office building. They walked to the grocery store and
didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time they had to go two
But she was right. They didn't have the green thing in her day.
Back then, they washed the baby's diapers because they didn't have the
throw-away kind. They dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling
machine burning up 220 volts - wind and solar power really did dry the clothes.
Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always
brand-new clothing.
But that old lady is right; they didn't have the green thing back in her
Back then, they had one TV, or radio, in the house - not a TV in every
room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief, not a screen
the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen, they blended and stirred
by hand because they didn't have electric machines to do everything for you.
When they packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, they used a wadded
up old newspaper to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.
Back then, they didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the
lawn. They used a push mower that ran on human power. They exercised by
working so they didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that
operate on electricity.
But she's right; they didn't have the green thing back then.
They drank from a fountain when they were thirsty instead of using a cup
or a plastic bottle every time they had a drink of water. They refilled
their writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and they replaced the
razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just
because the blade got dull.
But they didn't have the green thing back then.
Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their bikes to
school or rode the school bus instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour
taxi service. They had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank
of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And they didn't need a
computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in
space in order to find the nearest pizza joint.
But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful the old folks
were just because they didn't have the green thing back then?
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Monday, April 18, 2011
Did you do your taxes???
Exxon Mobil, the wealthiest corporation in history, made over $45 billion in profits in just one year but paid zero U.S. taxes. General Electric, which made over $14 billion in profit in 2010, has actually gotten the U.S. Treasury to pay the company more than a $3 billion tax refund! And there are many other highly profitable corporations, including Bank of America, received billions in tax refunds from U.S. taxpayers.
Meantime funding for healthcare, schools and other vital programs is being slashed. And workers aren’t getting tax breaks.
What’s wrong with this picture?
Tell me what you think.....cause I think that stuff is crazy!!!!!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Every 26 seconds !!!!!
One dropout every 26 seconds is ticking time bomb for blacks
A whopping 40 percent of African-American students don't graduate from high school. These dismal statistics are creating an underclass of African-Americans who have become unemployable, while also affecting the very fibers of the black family structure.
One dropout every 26 seconds is ticking time bomb for blacks
By Lawrence C. Ross
Between the trials and tribulations of the controversial No Child Left Behind law, the growing issue of bullying in schools, and the feeling that parents, teachers and administrators are all searching for a magic solution to the problem that is the American educational system, here comes more bad news.
Recently, President Barack Obama's education secretary Arne Duncan stated that every 26 seconds, a student drops out of high school. But things are even worse for black students; a whopping 40 percent of African-American students don't graduate from high school. These dismal statistics are creating an underclass of African-Americans who have become unemployable, while also affecting the very fibers of the black family structure.
Marc Williams, a high school music theory teacher at Cesar Chavez Charter School in Washington DC, also works with the school's retention program. He sees a number of different causes for black students not finishing high school.
"Our (African-American) students are dropping out of school for a number of reasons. Aside from the cookie-cutter answers that most folks give that speak to the lack of support from within the household, the fact that many of our students don't have a 'set' of parents, and the obvious idea that many urban schools lack the fiscal resources that other schools have, there are some other things to consider here," Williams said.
"We, as educators, are failing our students," he added. "Independent and charter schools (in particular), in order to meet budgets, are spending less money for newer, inexperienced teachers that come fresh off the stage of graduation and into a situation that is a culture shock for them... It's a set up for failure."
When you dig deeper, you find that black boys in particular are in a crisis mode. According to the Massachusetts-based Schott Foundation on Public Education, more than half -- 53 percent -- of black male students drop out of high school without a diploma, compared to 22 percent of white males.
And the problem even extends to elementary school, in one of the best charter school programs in the country. A new study by researchers at Western Michigan reports that 40 percent of 6th to 8th grade black boys in the Knowledge Is Power Program charter schools (KIPP) drop out before completing the program.
It is already tough for high school graduates to compete economically with college graduates, with college graduates earning around $297,893 dollars more than a high school graduate during a lifetime. But without a high school diploma or a General Educational Development (GED), a student basically condemns themselves to underclass status. Individuals without a GED or high school diploma loses about $7,000 dollars per year in comparison to someone with a GED.
And in a modern military, where the ability to understand high tech systems is a premium, dropping out of high school and getting into the military is proving to be an obstacle. Even those with high school degrees are finding it difficult. Thirty nine percent of black applicants with a high school degree are rejected by the military. And those who do make it in are coming into the military with lower scores than white applicants, therefore putting them at a disadvantage when it comes to future advancement.
The real societal cost of a high drop out rate at the high school level is that it attacks the structure of the black family. Black high school drop outs feed a growing black underclass of economically disadvantaged families, making it more difficult to break the cycle of poverty. The state of New York is finding that having a GED helps prevent homelessness, and has created Back to School program in order to get individuals to complete their GED.
But the effects are also found in the college ranks. With black boys struggling to finish high school and go to college, some college systems are finding that when they exclude for college athletes, black male students are a scare commodity. In South Carolina, for example, only 3 percent of the student body at the University of South Carolina, Clemson and the College of Charleston, are black male students. This means that there's a infinitesimal pool of eligible college educated black women looking for a relationships with men with similar educational backgrounds.
The high school drop out epidemic among African-Americans is not a ticking time bomb, it's a tsunami that's swamping the future of black America. State Farm Insurance is working with America's Promise, the educational organization founded by former Secretary of State General Colin Powell, to fight high school drop outs through a new program called 26 seconds. But unless there are major changes to the current educational trends, look for the nation's prisons to continue to be repositories for the black students left behind, as they grow more desperate to survive without educational skills.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
How did I forget
A couple months back we had a blast at Jolomite's two year anniversary of his vegan reataurant Jolo's Kitchen in New Rochelle. It was an incredible night of great food and good people and vibes. It was also the first time all members of the legendary hip hop group InI and InI Mighty Lockdown were together in a long while, it was great to see everyone and see InI MLD & the Allstars rock the crowd into a frenzy. I got some great photos from my man John Robinson from that night I must share enjoy.
New ill Vibe Collective Album
ill Vibe Collective : All Together Now
Friday, March 18, 2011
Some of today's thoughts
As If the conflict on the Ivory Coast is no big deal I guess if they had oil there we would be talking about the injustice to the people and UN involvement, but no love from the Obama white house. The only Africans of interest must be Arabs in order to be worth the attention of news media. And this is
not even close to all the stuff going on affecting our people. What do you think?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
New video Robot Robinson
Robot Koch & John Robinson | "Smorgasbord" Video
Check out the new Video "Smorgasbord" from Robot Robinson, the First Official single from the Robot Robinson project due out April 12th! Robot Robinson is a collaboration project w/ International Electronic producer Robot Koch and world renown emcee/entrepreneur John Robinson. The duo comes with a Space Funk, minimalistic snap thump with "Smorgasbord" which Robinson says "I am giving you a variety of different styles and sounds. In all my projects. This project is droppin' on my Born Day! What better way to celebrate than with a GRAND Experiment! Get ready for 'ROBOT ROBINSON!'" This forthcoming album is not only very different from what you are used to fr om John, but it is profoundly progressive and an exceptional display of where hip hop and electronic music most suitably converge.
Preview | Share "Smorgasbord" Video
Sunday, February 27, 2011
New Classic Nice and smooth No Delayin
New John Robinson
John Robinson + Robot Koch
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
A Woman we all should know about....
Who Is Sara Baartman Every black woman should know her name
And the Lynching continues
Buju Banton guilty on three cocaine related counts

Jamaica's reggae superstar Buju Banton, real name Mark Myrie, has been found guilty of three cocaine related charges.
A 12 member jury a short while ago delivered the verdict in the Sam M Gibbons building in Tampa which houses the United States Middle District Court, Florida Division.
Buju was found guilty on conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute five kilograms or more of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount of cocaine.
He was found not guilty for attempting to possess five kilograms or more of cocaine.
He was found guilty for aiding and abetting others in using a communication facility in the commission of a felony.
He was also found guilty for knowingly and intentionally possessing a firearm in furtherance of and during the course of a drug-trafficking crime.
Buju was tried last week on four charges.
Buju throughout the maintained he is innocent of the charges saying he play no part in any conspiracy to possess cocaine.
In denying the claims against him, Buju, though his attorney David Oscar Markus, argued that the artiste never became a willing participant of the cocaine conspiracy charged in the superseding indictment.
The defence said tasting the cocaine, talking about cocaine and simply being present at the warehouse is not sufficient to find Buju guilty of the crimes charged.
This trial, which began on February 14, was the second attempt of the US government to convict the Jamaican artiste. A first trial last year was declared a mistrial after jurors failed to arrive at a unanimous position.
Buju was arrested on December 10, 2009.
His long-time friend Ian Thomas and a James Mack were arrested the same day when they attempted to buy cocaine from undercover detectives in a Florida warehouse. Thomas and Mack pleaded guilty but Buju denied the charges. He said he decided to fight in federal court because he knows he is innocent.

Buju Banton outside a Florida courtroom- Daraine Luton/PhotographerDaraine Luton, Senior Staff Reporter in Tampa, Florida
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Revolutionary Wrap-Up: Vol. 1.
Pound is very proud to present our first installment of Revolutionary Wrap-Up hosted and created by one of hip-hop's most respected MCs and activists, M1 of dead prez.
In Vol. 1 of RWU, M1 discusses Mumia Abu-Jamal's ongoing imprisonment, Buju Banton's legal troubles and a case of police brutality against a student in a wheelchair that took place in the UK.
Revolutionary Wrap-Up with M1 of dead prez from Pound Magazine on Vimeo.
To learn more about the issues discussed in RWU Vol. 1 check out the following:
For info on Mumia:
On the UK police brutality case:
On the host, M1
Host and writer: M1
Editor: Brenda Ha
Producer: Makaya Kelday
Graphics: Roberto Cortez
a joint for Black History .....the Black Inventors!!
how do I feel about hip hop right now!!
Protests moving thru Libya
Taken from
Internet Down in Libya As “Day of Rage” Fatalities Mount [UPDATED]
Facebook, Twitter and other sites, including Al Jazeera’s website, have been reported as blocked for several hours already; however, in a brief bulletin in The Los Angeles Times, we read that the entire Internet has been cut off in a situation similar to that seen in Egypt just weeks ago.
UPDATE: This statement seems to be confirmed by a complete drop-off in Google search traffic originating in Libya. Thanks to Google search exec Matt Cutts for pointing out this data:
As a side note, CEO John Borthwick has stated that websites with the .ly top-level domain are not likely to experience interrupted service during this time.
“For .ly domains to be unresolvable,” he writes, “the five .ly root servers that are authoritative all have to be offline, or responding with empty responses. Of the five root nameservers for the .ly TLD, two are based in Oregon, one is in the Netherlands and two are in Libya.”
However, for most of us monitoring the developing situation in this troubled country, a handful of web startups’ experiencing downtime is hardly a matter of concern when placed in stark contrast with the political realities and violent protests occurring on the ground in Libya. According to one report, at least 41 have died already in the anti-government protests. According to other reports, at least 70 have been hospitalized, mostly for gunshot wounds.
We will continue to follow this story throughout the coming days.
Monday, February 14, 2011
A black holocaust: The end of black Wall Street
Black Wall Street: The True Story
Info taken from :
If anyone truly believes that the last April attack on the federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma was the most tragic bombing ever to take place on United States soil, as the media has been widely reporting, they're wrong -- plain and simple. That's because an even deadlier bomb occurred in that same state nearly 75 years ago. Many people in high places would like to forget that it ever happened.
Searching under the heading of "riots," "Oklahoma" and "Tulsa" in current editions of the World Book Encyclopedia, there is conspicuously no mention whatsoever of the Tulsa race riot of 1921, and this omission is by no means a surprise, or a rare case. The fact is, one would also be hard-pressed to find documentation of the incident, let alone and accurate accounting of it, in any other "scholarly" reference or American history book.
That's precisely the point that noted author, publisher and orator Ron Wallace, a Tulsa native, sought to make nearly five years ago when he began researching this riot, one of the worst incidents of violence ever visited upon people of African descent. Ultimately joined on the project by colleague Jay Wilson of Los Angeles, the duo found and compiled indisputable evidence of what they now describe as "a Black holocaust in America."
The date was June 1, 1921, when "Black Wall Street," the name fittingly given to one of the most affluent all-Black communities in America, was bombed from the air and burned to the ground by mobs of envious whites. In a period spanning fewer than 12 hours, a once thriving 36-Black business district in northern Tulsa lay smoldering--a model community destroyed, and a major African-American economic movement resoundingly defused.
The night's carnage left some 3,000 African Americans dead, and over 600 successful businesses lost. Among these were 21 churches, 21 restaurants, 30 grocery stores and two movie theaters, plus a hospital, a bank, a post office, libraries, schools, law offices, a half dozen private airplanes and even a bus system. As could have been expected the impetus behind it all was the infamous Ku Klux Klan, working in consort with ranking city officials, and many other sympathizers.
In their self-published book, Black Wallstreet: A Lost Dream, and its companion video documentary, Black Wallstreet: A Black Holocaust in America!, the authors have chronicled for the very first time in the words of area historians and elderly survivors what really happened there on that fateful summer day in 1921 and why it happened. Wallace similarly explained to me why this bloody event from the turn of the century seems to have had a recurring effect that is being felt in predominately Black neighborhoods even to this day.
The best description of Black Wallstreet, or Little Africa as it was also known, would be liken it to a mini-Beverly Hills. It was the golden door of the Black community during the early 1900s, and it proved that African Americans had successful infrastructure. That's what Black Wallstreet was all about.
The dollar circulated 36 to 100 times, sometimes taking a year for currency to leave the community. Now in 1995, a dollar leaves the Black community in 15-minutes. As far as resources, there were Ph.D.'s residing in Little Africa, Black attorneys and doctors. One doctor was Dr. Berry who owned the bus system. His average income was $500 a day, a hefty pocket change in 1910.
During that era, physicians owned medical schools. There were also pawn shops everywhere, brothels, jewelry stores, 21 churches, 21 restaurants and two movie theaters. It was a time when the entire state of Oklahoma had only two airports, yet six Blacks owned their own planes. It was a very fascinating community.
The area encompassed over 600 businesses and 36 square blocks with a population of 15,000 African Americans. And when the lower-economic Europeans looked over and saw what the Black community created, many of them were jealous. When the average student went to school on Black Wallstreet, he wore a suit and tie because of the morals and respect they were taught at a young age.
The mainstay of the community was to educate every child. Nepotism was the one word they believed in. And that's what we need to get back to in 1995. The main thoroughfare was Greenwood Avenue, and it was intersected by Archer and Pine Streets. From the first letters in each of those three names, you get G.A.P., and that's where the renowned R and B music group the Gap Band got its name. They're from Tulsa.
Black Wallstreet was a prime example of the typical Black community in America that did businesses, but it was in an unusual location. You see, at the time, Oklahoma was set aside to be a Black and Indian state. There were over 28 Black townships there. One third of the people who traveled in the terrifying "Trail of Tears" along side the Indians between 1830 to 1842 were Black people.
The citizens of this proposed Indian and Black state chose a Black governor, a treasurer from Kansas named McDade. But the Ku Klux Klan said that if he assumed office that they would kill him within 48 hours. A lot of Blacks owned farmland, and many of them had gone into the oil business. The community was so tight and wealthy because they traded dollars hand-to-hand, and because they were dependent upon one another as a result of the Jim Crow laws.
It was not unusual that if a resident's home accidentally burned down, it could be rebuilt within a few weeks by neighbors. This was the type of scenario that was going on day- to-day on Black Wallstreet. When Blacks intermarried into the Indian culture, some of them received their promised '40 acres and a mule' and with that came whatever oil was later found on the properties.
Just to show you how wealthy a lot of Black people were, there was a banker in the neighboring town who had a wife named California Taylor. Her father owned the largest cotton gin west of the Mississippi [River]. When California shopped, she would take a cruise to Paris every three months to have her clothes made.
There was also a man named Mason in nearby Wagner County who had the largest potato farm west of the Mississippi. When he harvested, he would fill 100 boxcars a day. Another brother not far away had the same thing with a spinach farm. The typical family then was five children or more, though the typical farm family would have 10 kids or more who made up the nucleus of the labor.
On Black Wallstreet, a lot of global business was conducted. The community flourished from the early 1900s until June 1, 1921. That's when the largest massacre of non-military Americans in the history of this country took place, and it was lead by the Ku Klux Klan. Imagine walking out of your front door and seeing 1,500 homes being burned. It must have been amazing.
Survivors we interviewed think that the whole thing was planned because during the time that all of this was going on, white families with their children stood around the borders of their community and watched the massacre, the looting and everything--much in the same manner they would watch a lynching.
In my lectures I ask people if they understand where the word "picnic" comes from. It was typical to have a picnic on a Friday evening in Oklahoma. The word was short for "pick a nigger" to lynch. They would lynch a Black male and cut off body parts as souvenirs. This went on every weekend in this country, and it was all across the county. That's where the term really came from.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The Black Power mixtape!!!!
This is a must see film found by accident the footage of our black power icons and comrades are shown in all their glory during riveting interviews in switzerland. Give thanks to for the info. Big ups Danny Glover for getting this important project to sundance and soon the masses!!!
From 1967 to 1975, fueled by curiosity and naïveté, Swedish journalists traversed the Atlantic Ocean to film the black power movement in America. The Black Power Mixtape 1967–1975 mobilizes a treasure trove of 16mm material, which languished in a basement for 30 years, into an irresistible mosaic of images, music, and narration to chronicle the movement’s evolution. Mesmerizing footage of Stokely Carmichael, Bobby Seale, Huey P. Newton, Angela Davis, and Eldridge Cleaver, as well as Black Panther activities, are peppered with B-roll footage of black America. These scenes take on a fresh, global angle through the outsider perspective of the Swedish lens.
Meanwhile, penetrating commentaries from artists and activists influenced by the struggle—like Harry Belafonte, Sonia Sanchez, Talib Kweli, Erykah Badu, and Professor Robin D. G. Kelley—riff on the range of radical ideas and strategies for liberation. Their insights and the vibrancy of the unearthed footage render the black power movement startlingly immediate and profoundly relevant.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
One the Best ....Ah Yeah
Monday, January 24, 2011
the Mighty Videos
InI MLD & the Allstars Mighty Video's
Blessed love,
Good Over Evil!!!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Jolo's kitchen two year anniversary
Yes y'all last Saturday the 15th InI mld and the Allstars celebrated the two year anniversary of emcee Jolomite's restaurant "Jolo's Kitchen" in new
Rochelle, NY. The event was packed and of course inimld and the Allstars rocked the crowd with a killer set. The love was strong and all the original InI members were in the house,it was a blessed night with family and friends and some banging vegan food. Big ups to Jahson for the footage.